iDrive warning message decoding

lf your BMW is suffering from air suspension problems then you will most likely see a warning message pop up on the iDrive display along with an annoying chime.

Depending on the model and age of the vehicle, you may see the following:

"self level susp. inact"

"level control system malfunction"

"level control system fault/failure"

"chassis malfunction"

These warning messages can all be decoded either remotely or in person after the coil spring conversion kit has been fitted. We work with several specialist companies who can offer a remote coding service at discounted rates for Conversionsmart customers.

All you need for remote coding is a laptop with windows OS, plus either a K-LINE, K+DCAN or ENET cable. The cables can be purchased on eBay for under £10. Your vehicle model and year will determine the exact cable required.


Need help with selecting the correct cable for your vehicle? Check out this handy guide below: